A directory utility module

dir~walk(dir, opts) ⇒ Promise.<FSItem>
Walk a directory recursively and return a json tree

Param Type Default Description
dir String directory
opts Object options
opts.includes RegExpsOrFunction Apply including regex or function on both directory and file
opts.excludes RegExpsOrFunction Apply excluding regex or function on both directory and file
opts.onStep function Callback for every single walking step
[opts.ignoreNotAccessible] Boolean true Whether ignore the none-accessible directory or file
[opts.normalizePath] Boolean true Normalize the path, convert the windows style to the linux one
[opts.maxLevel] Number -1 The maximum level of the down-walking
[opts.gitignore] StringOrBoolean .gitignore Apply the nearest gitignore patterns when walking
opts.extensions RegExp Apply extension regex on file

Returns: Promise.<FSItem> - A json tree representing the target directory

dir~walkSync(dir, opts) ⇒ FSItem
Walk a directory recursively and return a json tree

Param Type Default Description
dir String directory
opts Object options
opts.includes RegExpsOrFunction Apply including regex or function on both directory and file
opts.excludes RegExpsOrFunction Apply excluding regex or function on both directory and file
opts.onStep function Callback for every single walking step
[opts.ignoreNotAccessible] Boolean true Whether ignore the none-accessible directory or file
[opts.normalizePath] Boolean true Normalize the path, convert the windows style to the linux one
[opts.maxLevel] Number -1 The maximum level of the down-walking
[opts.gitignore] StringOrBoolean .gitignore Apply the nearest gitignore patterns when walking
opts.extensions RegExp Apply extension regex on file

Returns: FSItem - A json tree representing the target directory

dir~flatten(dir, opts) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<FSItem>>
Walk a directory tree and get its files and sub-directories into a flat array

Param Type Default Description
dir String directory
opts Object options
opts.includes RegExpsOrFunction Apply including regex or function on both directory and file
opts.excludes RegExpsOrFunction Apply excluding regex or function on both directory and file
opts.onStep function Callback for every single walking step
[opts.ignoreNotAccessible] Boolean true Whether ignore the none-accessible directory or file
[opts.normalizePath] Boolean true Normalize the path, convert the windows style to the linux one
[opts.maxLevel] Number -1 The maximum level of the down-walking
[opts.gitignore] StringOrBoolean .gitignore Apply the nearest gitignore patterns when walking
opts.extensions RegExp Apply extension regex on file

Returns: Promise.<Array.<FSItem>> - An Object Array representing the target directory

dir~flattenSync(dir, opts) ⇒ Array.<FSItem>
Walk a directory tree and get its files and sub-directories into a flat array

Param Type Default Description
dir String directory
opts Object options
opts.includes RegExpsOrFunction Apply including regex or function on both directory and file
opts.excludes RegExpsOrFunction Apply excluding regex or function on both directory and file
opts.onStep function Callback for every single walking step
[opts.ignoreNotAccessible] Boolean true Whether ignore the none-accessible directory or file
[opts.normalizePath] Boolean true Normalize the path, convert the windows style to the linux one
[opts.maxLevel] Number -1 The maximum level of the down-walking
[opts.gitignore] StringOrBoolean .gitignore Apply the nearest gitignore patterns when walking
opts.extensions RegExp Apply extension regex on file

Returns: Array.<FSItem> - An Object Array representing the target directory

dir~FSItem : Object
The json object representing a directory or a file


Name Type Description
name String The name of the directory or file
path String The absolute path of the directory or file
type String The FSItem type, possible values are directory and file
size Number The size of the directory or file
level Number The level of the directory or file, note that the root directory has a level with 0
children Array.<FSItem> The children of the current directory
extension String The extension of the current file

RegExp Or RegExp[] Or Function

String Or Boolean

results matching ""

    No results matching ""